Get Support Now
The Lifeline and 988 https://988lifeline.org/current-events/the-lifeline-and-988/
Available 24/7; Call or text 988
English chat: https://chat.988lifeline.org
Español: https://988lifeline.org/es/inicio/
Deaf/Hoh: https://988lifeline.org/deaf-hard-of-hearing-hearing-loss/
Crisis Textline https://www.crisistextline.org/
Available 24/7; Options to text, message through website, or contact through WhatsApp.
English: Text HOME to 741741 to begin
Español: Texto HOLA to 741741 para empezar
Thrive Lifeline 313-662-8209 https://thrivelifeline.org/
Textline for “underrepresented individuals (person of color, LGBTQ2S+, person living with disabilities, neurodivergent, and/or other marginalized identities)”
Available 24/7; text “THRIVE” to the number above begin
VictimConnect Resource Center 855-484-2846 https://victimconnect.org/
“A referral helpline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately.” Includes information on local and national resources by crime type including financial support and legal services in 200 languages.
Available weekdays only; Options to call and text using number above.
Chat/message through the website: https://victimconnect.org/get-help/victimconnect-chat/
Call Blackline 800-604-5841 https://www.callblackline.com/
”Provides a space for peer support, counseling, reporting of mistreatment, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences for folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens”; there is also an app (Blackline app)
Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860 https://www.translifeline.org/
Run for and by trans people; only offers phone calls (no text options); more resources on the website.
If all operators are on phone calls the line will auto-end your call; there is no hold queue.
Asian LifeNet Hotline 877-990-8585 https://aaspe.net
Available 24/7; phone line provides services in Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and Fujianese
StrongHearts Native Helpline 844-762-8483 https://strongheartshelpline.org
”Domestic and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans and Alaska Natives”
Available 24/7; Options to call, text, and chat/message through the website.
Text the number above to begin. You will immediately receive a reply from a secondary number prompting you for information and connecting you to an advocate.
The Deaf Hotline 855-812-1001 https://www.thedeafhotline.org
ASL accessible for people experiencing abuse; available 24/7 by phone and email (contact us page: https://www.thedeafhotline.org/contact-us/)
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-4673 https://rainn.org
Available 24/7 by phone and online chat
English chat: https://online.rainn.org
Español: https://hotline.rainn.org/es
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233 https://www.thehotline.org
Available 24/7, over 200 language options; Options to call, text, and chat/message through the website.
Text START to 88788 to begin.
National Teen Dating Violence Hotline 866-331-9474 https://www.loveisrespect.org
Available 24/7; Options to call, text, and chat/message through the website.
Text LOVEIS to 22522 to begin.
National Runaway and Homeless Youth Safeline 800-786-2929 https://1800runaway.org
”For runaway and homeless youth, their parents and families, teens in crisis, and others who might benefit from its services.”
Available 24/7; Options to call, text, message/chat, and email through the website.
Text 233733 to begin.
National Human Trafficking Hotline 888-373-7888 https://humantraffickinghotline.org
Available 24/7 in more than 200 languages; Options to call, text, message/chat through the website.
Text 233733 to begin.
Cyber Civil Rights Initiative Crisis Helpline 844-878-2274 https://cybercivilrights.org
For “victims of nonconsensual pornography (also known as “revenge porn”), recorded sexual assault, or sextortion.”
Available 24/7; phoneline only “interpretation is available in most languages”
NAMI Resources and Helpline https://www.namichicago.org/resources
Lists of resources including for LGBTQIA+, housing/shelter, sexual violence, domestic violence, and veterans.
NAMI Chicago Helpline 833-626-4244
NAMI Chicago phoneline where you can call, explain your needs, and get personalized recommendations for support in Chicago.
IL Dept of Health Services “Help is Here” https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=123529
Includes resources for youth experiencing safety concerns in school, youth at risk or have already run away, individuals with substance use challenges and their loved ones, as well as individuals with gambling challenges.
Safe to Help Illinois https://www.safe2helpil.com/ways-to-get-help
Includes many of the above and adds resources for disaster distress and missing and exploited children.